Pray For Russia

Strategic Prayer for the
Russian People

the gospel is never bound. Russians need the Gospel.

Pray For Russia is a community of people who love Jesus and love the Russian people. Only 1.46% of 145 million Russians are evangelical Christians. We want to see a multitude of Russian men, women, and children start a relationship with Jesus – the best place to start is with committed and strategic prayer. Every time the Church has seen the abundant spread of Christianity in recorded history, it began with extraordinary prayer. God can reach Russia and use Russians to reach their neighbors. And He’ll do it when His Church starts praying.

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Find resources that will help you form a prayer group that will meet 1+ times a month to intercede for Russia.


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Evangelical Christians

Unreached People Groups

Total Population


of Russian Christians identify as Orthodox

your prayers make a difference.
an eternal difference.


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Start a Prayer Group

Download a Prayer Guide for each month of the year. Meet with others 1+ times a month and commit an hour of prayer for the people of Russia.